Friday Favorites!

Friday Favorites!

While at a women’s business owner retreat a couple weeks ago, I gained the courage and encouragement to change my wardrobe! I have been so STUCK in the typical mom uniform in the last 8 years as I have spent the majority of it either pregnant or nursing! Leggings and a flowy top had been my go to outfit of choice for WAY too long! So we’re ready to change that!

THE body suit! Y’all I’m telling you, these things are absolute heaven!!!! What took me so long to try these? You will NOT regret putting your beautiful skin into one of these, I promise!!

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How To Be A Great Team Mom!

How To Be A Great Team Mom!

I consider myself a pro of trial and error! :D I know that without error, I’m not trying! So bring it on! :] I am also the queen of procrastination! So to say that my first season was spent dealing with last minute mess-ups is an understatement! But what I learned through that is SO valuable to me. I absolutely LOVED being team mom and look forward to many seasons to come, being a “behind the scenes” helper to my players, parents, and coaches! Are you new to the team mom gig? I would love to help!

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How to Store "Too Small" Clothes!

How to Store "Too Small" Clothes!

Happy Tuesday tribe!

If there is anything I could spend HOURS on in a day, besides simply being a mama, it is organizing storage throughout my entire house! This month has been filled with new storage solutions in our closets, pantry, garage, toy room, and laundry room that I cannot wait to share about! But today I’m gonna share about my system in putting away “too small” clothes!

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Breastfeeding Survival Basket

Breastfeeding Survival Basket

A few years ago I decided to put together a basket as I prepared for a baby shower, that included all of the practical things needed when breastfeeding, that most people don’t even think about when it comes to a new babe, let alone gift! But considering how important these items are to a new mama who is embarking on a journey that is a learning experience for both her and her babe, it has become my #1 go to gift for baby showers. I have SO much fun putting them together for all of my friends as they prepare for babies! Whether it’s baby number one or seven, breastfeeding is a new learning experience with each baby as each journey is SO different! So, here’s a kit that makes the most nervous soon-to-be mama less nervous about the journey that lies ahead!

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Sleep training the easy way!

Sleep training the easy way!

There are few things more important in life with a newborn than sleep. For the sake of both mama, siblings, and baby themself! Sleeping has got to be one of the most talked about topics amongst new/young moms! I don’t think I’ve ever been around a group of women with a new baby that the question “how’s baby sleeping?” doesn’t get brought up! So the question is, if it’s so important, why do I hear more moms say “I wish” than those who answer “actually, GREAT!” I like to consider myself a champ of sleeping babies, and there are more factors to it than just one! So I thought I would compile all of my thoughts, tips, and tricks together to hopefully help the next mama out when it comes to the magic of sleep! :]

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Packing Up Christmas Decor!

Packing Up Christmas Decor!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Did you chose your word of the year yet? I hope you have, and I hope you’re off to a good start so far! 

One of my favorite things to do in the first week of the year is get my Christmas decor all cleaned up and packed away! My ocd heart is very happy about organizing everything to make it easier to find next year, and make sure it stays safe and protected! So, here’s my 5 tips for packing up Christmas, to make things easier, more organized, and labeled well so that you know what’s what come next Christmas!

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Breastfeeding Survival!

Breastfeeding Survival!

Here you are, brand new babe in tow, and just breezing right through this new world called breastfeeding......right? I'm guessing you rolled your eyes, just like I would have if I read that on day 4-10 with my first baby.

I became a mom in October of 2014 to the sweetest little baby boy. Charlie was born with a severe tongue tie that I knew nothing about…

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5 Top Tips for Pregnancy Survival!

5 Top Tips for Pregnancy Survival!

Pregnancy is such a magical thing! There are woman around the world who wait their whole lives to be pregnant, some who never expect to be, and some who can't. Whatever your story is, once you are pregnant, as much as you are extremely thankful for that journey, all our bodies handle it differently! And on top of that, our bodies handle each and every pregnancy differently as well! It's certainly not all sunshine and rainbows. Your body goes through some intense changes! Physically, emotionally, mentally, and hormonally!

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Airplane travels with a newborn/infant!

Airplane travels with a newborn/infant!

Anyway, traveling can be one of the scariest unknown roads to travel, for a new mom! There is a specific reason I am choosing to focus on FLYING with an infant rather than driving. Driving I feel is a lot easier to manage because it's something we do every single day! So with minor adjustments, babies do great and we don't get as stressed! But I don't know about you, I get a little stressed and anxious just flying MYSELF, let alone tiny humans who depend 100% on me! Sooooo with all that being said, here we go! :]

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