Where my village began…

Hey y’all! I am McCall Pome’e, and I have a passion about learning and sharing all things pregnancy, birth, babies, and motherhood! Here’s a littel background as to why….

This is my family, and bringing each of my tiny tongan’s into the world has brought forth another layer of my love and passion, for the world of chilbirth, and the miracle that it is! Nu’u (middle) is my husband, and straight from the island of Tonga. Charlie is 9, Isaiah is 7, Kalia is 5, Ellie Jane is 3 and Olivia Rose was is 1! Vita, the big boy on the right, is Nu’us baby brother, and our unofficially adopted son, as we’ve been raising him since he was 15.

I was born in Las Vegas, NV and adopted when I was just 10 days old to the family that was always meant to be mine. My parents knew before they married that they would not be able to bear biological children. They waited 7 years after being married to become parents to my older brother, and three years later I came along. I was raised there in Las Vegas, and lived in the same home from 1 1/2 years old, until the day I was married. I lived in both southern and northern Utah for about two years while attending aesthetics school, and quickly returned home upon graduation to plan the wedding of my dreams to the love of my life.

I met my husband Nu’u, as he served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Las Vegas West mission. We connected over email and hand written letters after I’d spent the summer home and headed to northern Utah to finish the second half of my schooling. During his last three months of his mission, we talked quickly about the love that was growing between us, and our desire to be married. I connected with his mom upon her arrival to the states for work, and she suggested I visit home when he got home. I traveled to Tonga a month after he got home from his mission and fell head over heals in love with him, his family, his home, and the culture. A place that is home to people who have nothing, yet are the happiest most family oriented people I’ve ever met! After being long distance for a year and a half, he finally touched down in Las Vegas just nine days before we got married. June 29, 2013 was one of the best days of my life, and has been followed by a few more! We have now been married for ten years and still spend every single day falling more in love with each other! We recently relocated to northern Utah in Davis county and we are absolutely LOVING IT!

In January 2014, we found out we would be parents! I knew little to nothing about having a baby, but knew since a pretty young age I wanted to go natural. You see, as an 8th grader I survived my first experience through kidney stones. I handled it like a champ, if I do say so myself! :D But what I remember most is anyone I’d talk to about it would mention “Oh man, I’ve heard those are worse than having a baby!” This started a very long road to building the mental and physical strength in believing in my body and birth! I immediately started asking questions, getting recommendations for care providers, and landed myself in the office of an incredible midwife who I abosolutely love! I did not prepare as much as I needed to, in understanding how much education it would take to really be confident in childbirth my first go around! But it was all a part of my journey!

Despite my best efforts, I ended up getting an epidural in my first delivery. I do not regret it for a minute! Charlie was born after just a few pushes, and he was perfect! When we left the hospital, we had no idea the trials and challenges being first time parents would bring. On day 10 or so, we learned that our little man was suffering from severe tongue and lip ties, and he wasn’t breastfeeding sufficiently. He was well below the weight he should have been by 2 weeks old, and it led us to get in touch with an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant). As we got in touch with her, we dove head first into the world of natural birth and baby support! We found an incredible chiropractor who has since become like family, and continued to see the pediatrician that I also saw growing up, who is incredibly supportive of naturally minded living and health! These recourses are without a doubt the basis of my knowledge and learning about natural minded motherhood, and I grew a deep desire to share my learnings! The lessons I’ve learned through our challenges and hardships in having and raising babies are ones I NEED to share! I didn’t feel like there were many easily accessed recourses for me as my motherhood journey began, and I wish someone would have given me more information in preparation, rather than as we battled through those hard moments of learning “the hard way”!

I went on to have four unmedicated births in the hospital and ABSOLUTELY prefer delivering unmedicated over an epidural or any other interventions! They were also all born with tongue and lip ties as this issue is genetic, but now I know what to do! I went home to research and learn more about the process, and understanding what my body was going through in those moments! I became passionate about learning, knowing, and being confident in my journey! I attended a weekend long training (3 full days) in California to start my process in becoming a Birth Doula. There I learned things that even through my three very different deliveries, I had never been taught about the entire process! The education never ends, and I’m so excited to continue to learn and grow in my own journey, while helping other mama’s in theirs! Whether you’re a first time mom to be, just had your first baby and are struggling with breastfeeding, or you’re on number six and planning to go unmediated for the first time, (and any other variation of circumstances) I hope that you can find value in this space! I hope that you can leave here feeling knowledgable, confident, and find a community in other mama’s just like you! Thank you for being a part of my village!