Airplane travels with a newborn/infant!

I recently had someone write me via instagram, while traveling in Hawaii, asking if it was gonna be the biggest mistake of her life, to take trip from Seattle to Hawaii with an infant! I quickly responded to her, NO, it will be the BEST decision you ever make! And I knew in that moment, you first time mommas needed my help! :]

Now first of all, I know what a different experience it can be, parenting for the first time compared to the second! The world of the unknown can be absolutely terrifying, and I think we as moms need to be more open and honest about those days of motherhood! So they don't seem so lonely when we land our selves right in the midst of those impossible days! Sleepless nights, sore/cracked nipples from nursing, painful uterine contractions while our body fights so hard to recover from birth, and of course the ridiculous task of trying to understand WHY IN THE WORLD IS THE BABY CRYING? They can't communicate, can they? OF COURSE they can! (Post on how to decipher newborn language coming soon!)

I remember when I was pregnant with Isaiah, and the first in my oldest group of friends to have moved on to preparing for baby #2. When they asked me if I was ready to have a newborn again, and my response was PURE excitement, they were so confused! I know those impossible days I just mentioned seem SO tough when you're in the thick of it, but I promise when that infant turns into the insanely busy toddler, you'll understand why I was SO excited to be back in that stage of nothing but eat, sleep and poop! Because seriously, in my opinion, there is nothing better then those months of snuggling to smallest sleepiest little babe, while they nurse, sleep everywhere we go, and just make life so much HAPPIER!

Anyway, traveling can be one of the scariest unknown roads to travel, for a new mom! There is a specific reason I am choosing to focus on FLYING with an infant rather than driving. Driving I feel is a lot easier to manage because it's something we do every single day! So with minor adjustments, babies do great and we don't get as stressed! But I don't know about you, I get a little stressed and anxious just flying MYSELF, let alone tiny humans who depend 100% on me! Sooooo with all that being said, here we go! :]


I think I will post something soon on my instagram stories, about HOW I pack little ones! I can't claim it, as I got the system from a random post on Pinterest or something years ago, but I think it is GENIUS! But, let's talk about WHAT to pack! When baby is a newborn/infant you may not have left for an extended period of time, and have no idea what you will need on that extended stay! When in doubt, take an entire day to write down the things you depend on during the day! For every single momma, that list will be completely different. And what you deem more necessary or "higher" on your list will be different as well! Let's go through the basics!

• Sleepers
• Onsies
• Warm/Cool clothes (no matter your destination)
• Socks

• Monitor
• Bedding (blankets, DokATot etc.)
• Blankets (swaddle, warm etc.)
• Wrap/Carrier
• Car Seat
• Stroller
• Diapers/Wipes
• Nursing Pillow
• Bottles
• Pacifier
• Burp Cloths/bibs

As for you, pack lightly but normally! However many outfits required for the trip plus a few extra in case of spills, blowouts and spit up!


I would say this, along with being on the actual airplane for however long you will be, is what parents get most nervous about! So let's talk about how to successfully handle and the ins and outs of security, waiting, walking, and feeding! I personally am a breastfeeding momma! I had a pretty rough go with Charlie, learning A LOT along the way! And also acquiring some of the greatest and most important resources I've ever had in my life! In my opinion, especially traveling on an airplane, it is much easier to be breastfeeding! I don't have too much to suggest for mommas who need to bring/prepare bottles while traveling! But I have found a good article that has a lot of good tips on those specifics! For you breastfeeding mommas, let's chat! For being in the airport, make sure to feed baby right when you get there or right before! You want to make it through as much of the airport as you can, preferably to the gate, without having to feed again! Depending on how old baby is, will decide how often they are fed! Your goal is to time it so baby will be hungry when you are taking off! So keep that in mind while traveling through the airport!

For getting through security in the easiest way possible, you would think it would be best to WEAR baby, right? Wrong. They will make you unstrap baby, take them and the wrap/carrier off, and walk through the scanner with them in your arms. I have found, the easiest thing to do is to travel with the stroller! Car seats can be checked at baggage for FREE! Take advantage of this as then you won't have to lug the dang thing all the way through security. If you have a baby who is not quite big enough to ride in a "normal" stroller seat, keep the car seat attached and check it with the stroller at the gate! This is the most convenient thing since, at that age, it is what you're most used to in normal everyday travel! They will send the stroller and car seat through security if you have them, so if you wanted to hold baby until you get there, then put them down after you get through, that may be a good option as well! NEVER underestimate the power and benefit of taking a stroller through the airport! You will use it for the baby, to hold stuff,  stash food, etc. It may be a bit of a hassle to check at the gate then wait for when you arrive, but it will be SO worth it with a little one! Promise! It frees up your hands to carry baby and stash stuff, or be able to put baby down and take a break!

Formula and breastmilk are absolutely allowed through security, there are just some simple guidelines from TSA to make sure you travel seamlessly with it! You can read about those general guidelines HERE! Remember, you want to be as properly prepared as you possibly can in order to make your travel through the airport as easy as possible! Also, it is important to understand the guidelines for whatever it is you take, so YOU know what is allowed and what's not and don't get bullied into throwing stuff away or having it ruined!

When you get through security, take a BIG sigh of relief! Now is the easy part! Get to the gate, settle in, entertain baby with rattles, teethers, or a little bit of snacking (depending on their age). And now we move on to the plane!


Take FULL advantage of pre-boarding, if you feel the need to get on the plane and get settled in your seats early! If not, I absolutely suggest being close to the LAST people on the plane! You want baby to be able to wiggle and get their energy out as much as possible before they'll be cooped up in a seat with you for at least 20 minutes to and hour between taxi, takeoff, and until you are leveled off and able to move about the plane! Plus, I don't know about you, but for my nursing babies, when they're forced to be on my lap and are hungry, they, of course, want to nurse as soon as we sit down! This is one of the most important things when it comes to timing! You want to nurse baby while you are taking off and landing! This is like chewing gum or yawning for their ears! Their sucking will help their ears release pressure as the cabin pressure changes in flight! With formula fed babies, I can only assume feeding them a bottle during that time has the same effect!

Once you've taken off and got settled in, if baby gets fussy, DO NOT feel funny or awkard for using the common space near the bathrooms to rock baby to sleep! I would look for the one with the most extra space where you can stay out of the traffic from the bathrooms while also not getting in the way of the flight attendants! Also, don't feel bad for walking the aisle a little bit with baby! When people are awake, they usually don't mind seeing a happy baby walking around! If baby is big enough to be mobile, let them crawl around a bit and get some energy out!

Nap time can be tough when it comes to being on a plane! I personally have babies who are accustomed to and LOVE their own beds! It has definitely been both a blessing and a curse at different times! I would say before 6 months, they will still mostly sleep almost anywhere! Your goal is to make that airplane feel as much like home and their own bed as you possibly can! Bring blankets or snugglers on the plane that they sleep with at home, swaddle, pacifier, whatever it is that helps them sleep as home, make sure you have it with you ON the plane! I have found it possible and almost best, to get baby to sleep and put them on a ground on a blanket or something soft/comfy! They feel the rumble of the engine while they sleep which is similar to the constant noise and movement of being in the car they helps them fall asleep in their car seats! When you get that baby to sleep.....YOU, momma, deserve a nap as well! Don't be afraid to snooze off, and wake husband up if you're nervous about getting some rest while baby is asleep! Another option for baby sleeping, is wrapping them up! Especially if they're tiny and you know they'll like to snuggle, that's the easiest way to get baby asleep, keep baby asleep, and be hand free for as long as they do sleep! Because you certainly want that baby to sleep as long as they possibly will!!

Once baby is awake from a snooze, hopefully you're there or almost there! The rest should be a breeze! Play, walk, talk, etc! Love that baby :]


This can be tricky if you don't plan it...which is why I'm here to help! Getting off the plane can take a minute since you checked your stroller and car seat at the gate! You'll have to wait for it there in the tunnel right outside the aircraft door, or at the top of the ramp! (Assume it will be right at the door unless you are told otherwise!) Now, I personally have LOTS of help while traveling! We are usually traveling not only as an entire family, but also with my parents! This means there are lots of extra hands to help to carry kids, bags, strollers, car seats etc. BUT we've also figured out a pretty mistake proof system when it comes to baggage and getting the rental car! If you are getting a rental car, this will save you SO much hassle. If you aren't, bags are mostly pretty easy! Have someone sit off to the side with the babies! If you're nursing, this will probably be mom. Have everyone traveling leave their carry on's with you and go get the checked bags! That way there is a set "base" for collecting bags, and you can sit and nurse the baby away from the hustle of everyone else trying to get their baggage!

Once you've collected all the bags (or, if you have enough people traveling, WHILE) park them right outside baggage claim! If it's just you and husband, have husband go get the car while you sit with the bags and baby! There is usually some kind of shuttle or extra transportation in order to get to the rental car services! Loading the bags, baby, stroller and car seat onto the shuttle is a hassle and truly unnecessary! Every airport has an exit lane from the car rental places that ALWAYS have a lane to "Return to Terminal"! It is fairly easy to follow the signs considering how straight forward they are and plentiful, at airports! This makes it easier to handle getting the car and not having to worry about anything else except that right there for husband! Once they make it back to passenger pick up with the car, TAKE YOUR TIME installing that car seat correctly! Whoever is in charge of it, do that first! Then you can put baby down and load the rest of the things in to the car and get settled! Also, you should never be hassled for the time it takes you to install a car seat, by any security employees or anyone else! Usually they'll see that you are in the process of that and they will leave you alone! Once everything is loaded, you are on your way to the HOTEL! WOOT! You've made it. You're in the home stretch of travels, and you're ALMOST ready to relax! :D


You've gotten to the hotel, you think you're done waiting and sitting and just want to get settled! Thennnnnn you make it to registration/concierge at the hotel! (Don't freak out, it will be okay) Find a comfy spot, leave the checking in to husband or whoever is in charge, and feed that baby! Orrr let them sleep if they fell asleep in the car! Pure bliss!! Make sure you have a list with you (husband) at check in, with all the things you need to request! A crib, high chair, etc. Make sure those things come up as close to your bags as possible so you can get settled in once you get up to the room! Once you are headed up, you will NOT regret, ever, settling in and getting everything put where you'll want it during the length of your stay! I'm an unpacker! I hate leaving all our clothes in the suitcases to be completely trashed during our stay! Pus, our most common airplane travel is to Hawaii, which is always at least an 8-10 trip! It's so worth it to me to get our clothes all unpacked and into drawers or hung up! Also, toiletries! But I would first worry about baby! Especially if they didn't fall asleep in the car and are ready for a nap! Get their bed, monitor, etc set up first! That way you can put them down for a nap and kick your feet up, or continue unpacking while they nap!

For nap time during your travels, you may have baby who will sleep on the go super easy! If so, plan for it! Bring a little portable bassinet like this one, or cheaper version like this one! We have been DocATot sleepers for a while with Isaiah, but Charlie didn't use one! Find what works for you, and plan to make that happen during the days! If your kids sleep like mine, in their beds ONLY, plan nap times up at the hotel! Let's face it, when you have a newborn babe, you're gonna be tired too! Going up to the room doesn't seem like a bad idea when you feel like you need a break too! ;] The most important thing about this is, BE READY to leave that room for as soon as baby wakes up! So you don't waste anymore time getting back out to play if you worry about that! This year in Hawaii we had a perfect little system going on! Charlie was ready to stay down and play, but Isaiah still NEEDS a daily nap (20 months), so whoever wasn't up for staying down at the pool with Charlie, went up and took a break with Isaiah while he napped! Of course, that was almost always me, because duh! Growing tiny humans is exhausting! haha

At night, if you are in the same room as baby, we have found the best solution to letting baby sleep as soundly as they do at home, is to make it as much like home as possible! If they're used to sleeping in their own room, we put a blanket up on the side of the crib to give a little separation! Also, white noise machines are ALWAYS your best friend, but especially while traveling! Do not underestimate the power of those tiny things! And if you don't have one, PLEASE do yourself a favor and grab one quick! Our favorite one is on Amazon, here! We keep one of them on 24/7 in the boys room! The only problem I've found with doing that, is they burn out after almost a year of using them if you never turn them off! Oops! But considering their price, I just get a new one! :]


Keep in mind, traveling with a baby, changes EVERYTHING! But I promise this doesn't have to be a negative change! Just one that you are prepared for! You will have less "adult friendly" options, but SO worth it, right? :D Your days will revolve around napping, feeding, bed times, and of course keeping baby safe and healthy! For a sunny trip, this means not too much time out in the sun with no sunblock or liquids! (Expect baby to nurse much more often while traveling to climates that are hot and sunny, especially if that is different from home!) You can still totally plan FUN activities when you are traveling with babies! Look for hotels that are extra hotel friendly! Restaurants that are kid friendly! Activities around the hotel that you can do with the kids or that they will enjoy! Babies are easy, and usually just force you to relax and take it more easy than you might if you didn't have them! Slow down, enjoy, and don't stop loving on those babies!!

Do you have any suggestions you think I should add to these tips for traveling with a newborn baby? Please leave a comment below and I will add it! :]

Overall, newborns are much easier to entertain and carry around than crazy, busy toddlers, in my opinion! I always say travel as much as you can while they still sleep! You of course have to adjust your expectations and little bit of scheduling around sleep and feeding, but accommodating that is much easier when they still sleep well on the go and are little snuggle bugs! I am a personal fan of the newborn stage and feel like I could have 10 newborns! Toddlers, I could give away! haha I'm totally kidding obviously! But they are much more of a struggle for me to handle than newborns! Anyway, do not let the fear of the unknown and "different" keep you from traveling! It will be much more simple than you anticipate! Research as much as you can, be prepared, and then remember "it's okay!" if things don't go perfectly! <3