Breastfeeding Survival Basket

Breastfeeding Survival Basket

A few years ago I decided to put together a basket as I prepared for a baby shower, that included all of the practical things needed when breastfeeding, that most people don’t even think about when it comes to a new babe, let alone gift! But considering how important these items are to a new mama who is embarking on a journey that is a learning experience for both her and her babe, it has become my #1 go to gift for baby showers. I have SO much fun putting them together for all of my friends as they prepare for babies! Whether it’s baby number one or seven, breastfeeding is a new learning experience with each baby as each journey is SO different! So, here’s a kit that makes the most nervous soon-to-be mama less nervous about the journey that lies ahead!

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Kalia’s Birth Story *unmedicated*

Kalia’s Birth Story *unmedicated*

On May 1, while at a monitoring appt for my gestational diabetes, I "watched" my real first contraction happen. I had been having Braxton hicks for weeks and started to feel like they were changing and getting serious, but I wasn't convinced till I actually saw it happen! The number climbed as my belly tightened, and I knew my body was preparing once again, to deliver a precious soul earth-side. But this was only the beginning of 4 long weeks of contractions, getting ready for baby girl!

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Isaiah’s Birth Story! My First Unmedicated Birth!

Isaiah’s Birth Story! My First Unmedicated Birth!

August 13, 2016 was set as my due date! Based on my last period, that's the day we could expect to welcome this new baby we'd learned about! Already, I felt like I had so much love for this baby human before I knew if it would be a girl or a boy! All of those things about not knowing if you could love number 2 as much as number 1 until you meet them were true! I felt a sense of missing my "new mom" life already! I was gonna be a momma of TWO!

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