Breastfeeding Survival Basket

Breastfeeding Survival Basket

A few years ago I decided to put together a basket as I prepared for a baby shower, that included all of the practical things needed when breastfeeding, that most people don’t even think about when it comes to a new babe, let alone gift! But considering how important these items are to a new mama who is embarking on a journey that is a learning experience for both her and her babe, it has become my #1 go to gift for baby showers. I have SO much fun putting them together for all of my friends as they prepare for babies! Whether it’s baby number one or seven, breastfeeding is a new learning experience with each baby as each journey is SO different! So, here’s a kit that makes the most nervous soon-to-be mama less nervous about the journey that lies ahead!

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Sleep training the easy way!

Sleep training the easy way!

There are few things more important in life with a newborn than sleep. For the sake of both mama, siblings, and baby themself! Sleeping has got to be one of the most talked about topics amongst new/young moms! I don’t think I’ve ever been around a group of women with a new baby that the question “how’s baby sleeping?” doesn’t get brought up! So the question is, if it’s so important, why do I hear more moms say “I wish” than those who answer “actually, GREAT!” I like to consider myself a champ of sleeping babies, and there are more factors to it than just one! So I thought I would compile all of my thoughts, tips, and tricks together to hopefully help the next mama out when it comes to the magic of sleep! :]

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Breastfeeding Survival!

Breastfeeding Survival!

Here you are, brand new babe in tow, and just breezing right through this new world called breastfeeding......right? I'm guessing you rolled your eyes, just like I would have if I read that on day 4-10 with my first baby.

I became a mom in October of 2014 to the sweetest little baby boy. Charlie was born with a severe tongue tie that I knew nothing about…

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From day breastfeeding journey!

From day breastfeeding journey!

On Friday: October 10, 2014, I became a mom to the most handsome little brown boy I had ever seen. Since I was adopted, my mom was one of my biggest supporters to the idea of breastfeeding. She never got to experience that and she wanted to make sure I did! It was VERY important to me that I breastfed as it was something I always dreamed of doing. On October 13 (day 4) we visited our pediatrician for the first time. She was my pediatrician as a child and I absolutely love her and recommend her to EVERYONE! While there, she asked me how Charlie was latching and being brand new to this experience, I figured any problems I was having at this point were just as much me as they were him, since we were both learning...

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Airplane travels with a newborn/infant!

Airplane travels with a newborn/infant!

Anyway, traveling can be one of the scariest unknown roads to travel, for a new mom! There is a specific reason I am choosing to focus on FLYING with an infant rather than driving. Driving I feel is a lot easier to manage because it's something we do every single day! So with minor adjustments, babies do great and we don't get as stressed! But I don't know about you, I get a little stressed and anxious just flying MYSELF, let alone tiny humans who depend 100% on me! Sooooo with all that being said, here we go! :]

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