Friday Favorites!

This week in my stories I shared a new adventure of mine, and was SO pleasantly surprised at the response I had about it! While at a women’s business owner retreat a couple weeks ago, I gained the courage and encouragement to change my wardrobe! I have been so STUCK in the typical mom uniform in the last 8 years as I have spent the majority of it either pregnant or nursing! Leggings and a flowy top had been my go to outfit of choice for WAY too long! So we’re ready to change that!

THE body suit! Y’all I’m telling you, these things are absolute heaven!!!! What took me so long to try these? You will NOT regret putting your beautiful skin into one of these, I promise!!

(Short Sleeve)

(Short Sleeve)

Here are the paper bag pants I got the first time, and the plus size ones I order after! Be sure to check in to my stories this coming week as the things I’ve ordered have finally come in the mail! Starting with these incredible goodies! I will continue to share Friday Favorites hopefully weekly, to keep you connected with my stories and instagram, and you don’t miss out!

Happy Friday Mama’s!

I love y’all!