Friday Favorites!

Friday Favorites!

While at a women’s business owner retreat a couple weeks ago, I gained the courage and encouragement to change my wardrobe! I have been so STUCK in the typical mom uniform in the last 8 years as I have spent the majority of it either pregnant or nursing! Leggings and a flowy top had been my go to outfit of choice for WAY too long! So we’re ready to change that!

THE body suit! Y’all I’m telling you, these things are absolute heaven!!!! What took me so long to try these? You will NOT regret putting your beautiful skin into one of these, I promise!!

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Diaper Caddies!

Diaper Caddies!

Talk about LIFE SAVERS!

For as long as I can remember, I have had “stashes” around my house that include diapers, wipes, and any other often used item, depending on baby’s age/needs. I call them diaper caddy’s! I have them in just about every spot of the house that I may ever change a dirty bum or need a diaper!

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Kalia's First Luau

Kalia's First Luau

Since as long as I can remember, I have abslutely loved entertaining. I love the opportunity to gather the people I love the most, and celebrate our family, our friends, and/or the holidays. In Tonga, birthdays are not often celebrated. First birthday’s are a BIG deal, but after that they don’t celebrate until 16, and then not again until 18/grduation/mission, and then soemtimes 21! As we strive to keep the culture of Tonga alive in our home as well as we can, we are three for three on going ALL OUT for first birthday’s! :]

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How to love someone, while they grieve ❤️

How to love someone, while they grieve ❤️

As many of you know, just three days before my sweet Kalia was born, one of my dearest friends lost her baby in stillbirth, as well as almost losing her own life. She was scheduled to have a c-section on my birthday just four weeks later. She has two boys and was pregnant with a girl and there were too many things in common….I thought for sure she would never talk to me again {I mean, it would have been hard for me to, had roles been reversed} But I wasn’t okay with that. Alissa is one of the greatest people I have ever met, with the sweetest soul. I can’t remember how many times it was said at the beginning of our friendship “we were just meant to be friends”. I just knew there was something special about her and our friendship. I had NO idea what a blessing she would be to my life, or me to hers!

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Breastfeeding Survival Basket

Breastfeeding Survival Basket

A few years ago I decided to put together a basket as I prepared for a baby shower, that included all of the practical things needed when breastfeeding, that most people don’t even think about when it comes to a new babe, let alone gift! But considering how important these items are to a new mama who is embarking on a journey that is a learning experience for both her and her babe, it has become my #1 go to gift for baby showers. I have SO much fun putting them together for all of my friends as they prepare for babies! Whether it’s baby number one or seven, breastfeeding is a new learning experience with each baby as each journey is SO different! So, here’s a kit that makes the most nervous soon-to-be mama less nervous about the journey that lies ahead!

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Sleep training the easy way!

Sleep training the easy way!

There are few things more important in life with a newborn than sleep. For the sake of both mama, siblings, and baby themself! Sleeping has got to be one of the most talked about topics amongst new/young moms! I don’t think I’ve ever been around a group of women with a new baby that the question “how’s baby sleeping?” doesn’t get brought up! So the question is, if it’s so important, why do I hear more moms say “I wish” than those who answer “actually, GREAT!” I like to consider myself a champ of sleeping babies, and there are more factors to it than just one! So I thought I would compile all of my thoughts, tips, and tricks together to hopefully help the next mama out when it comes to the magic of sleep! :]

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Isaiah’s Birth Story! My First Unmedicated Birth!

Isaiah’s Birth Story! My First Unmedicated Birth!

August 13, 2016 was set as my due date! Based on my last period, that's the day we could expect to welcome this new baby we'd learned about! Already, I felt like I had so much love for this baby human before I knew if it would be a girl or a boy! All of those things about not knowing if you could love number 2 as much as number 1 until you meet them were true! I felt a sense of missing my "new mom" life already! I was gonna be a momma of TWO!

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Charlie's Grand Entrance!

Charlie's Grand Entrance!

WARNING: There is absolutely NOTHING glamorous about birthing a baby, no matter what the story. So if you are not okay with somewhat graphic terms/explanations I suggest you not read! Nonetheless, this story, like many more, is miraculous and beautiful and something I will treasure forever and ever. 

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